The UEHJ is partner is the European Project : “Find A Bailiff 3” which officially started on March 1st, 2020.
The European Directory of bailiffs/Enforcement agents (Find a Bailiff “FAB”) was created in 2012 and expanded under the FAB II project (2017-2018), co-financed by the European Commission.
Find a Bailiff III (FAB III) aims to extend the FAB Directory to at least six Member States, to:
- strengthen cross-border cooperation between the actors of civil proceedings in Europe;
- facilitate access to justice for citizens and companies by allowing them to easily identify the competent enforcement agent in a foreign Member State;
- contribute to providing access to e-CODEX for professionals (bailiffs) for the secure exchange;
- increase the overall efficiency of cross-border legal procedures.
The main objective is, to consolidate the FAB Directory, increase user-friendliness and awareness of the Directory, as well as facilitate its integration into the European e-Justice Portal and the European Court Database. Diverse communication activities will be planned such as conferences, bilateral meetings, communication material.
From a technical perspective, work will focus on improving the generic tool created within FAB II to suit the situation of more Member States, assist Member States in creating a national electronic directory and connect it to the FAB Directory, and align the data of the Directory with the technical specifications of the Court Database.
We can already invite you to the FAB3 opening conference that will be held in Brussels on 1st April 2020.